Q. What is your church’s physical address?
Red Door Church
67 S Windsor Street
South Royalton VT 05068
Open directions on your smartphone. Google Maps link works on both the web and smartphones.

Q. When is the church office open?
Wednesdays and Fridays from 9–10:30 a.m.
Q. Do you keep your website calendar updated often with your events?
Yes. However, limited info is available about some of the events on the website calendar. If you need more info about an event, contact our administrative secretary at office@reddoorchurchofsoro.org.
Q. What time is the Sunday worship service?
10 a.m. on Sundays
Q. What should I expect?
Our services last about 90 minutes. You should be able to find parking around the South Royalton town green. Following the services, we have fellowship time with coffee and refreshments. First-time visitors should stop by our visitor’s table inside the fellowship hall. Please be sure to grab a visitor’s bag before leaving!.
Q. What is the worship experience like?
Our services seek to be both truth and Spirit-filled. We love to retell the story of the gospel through our services. We lift our voices in praise to God, recite prayers of confession, and receive God’s forgiveness together, we hear the Scriptures read and preached in the power of the Spirit every week. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper once a month on the first Sunday of the month.
Q. What should I wear?
Whatever you are comfortable wearing. Most people come wearing casual attire.
Q. I have kids, what classes are they able to attend?
We have a children’s program for children ages 4 to 9, called Young Lions. It takes place on the first floor in our Fellowship Hall during the sermon portion of our service. It happens every Sunday, except the first of each month.
Q. I have kids, do you have a nursery?
Yes, it’s on the first floor in our Fellowship Hall. There are rocking chairs and a changing table in the nursery. We also have a screen where parents can watch and hear the service while rocking or nursing their children.
Q. What’s the age range of your members?
We have newborns all the way up to the elderly.
Q. Do you provide a livestream?
Yes, we are live streaming to YouTube. Watch from our /live page or our YouTube channel.
Q. Do you have accessible entrances for wheelchairs?
Yes. Our front entrance is on ground level and all rooms on the first floor are on ground level. There is a handicapped-accessible bathroom downstairs as well. The sanctuary is upstairs but can be accessed with our elevator.
Q. Do you provide Bluetooth audio for my hearing aids?
Q. What about the offering plate?
We have a wooden box with a cross-shaped hole on the top located in the back of the sanctuary for people to make donations. Or you can give online if you feel moved. reddoorchurchofsoro.org/give/
Q. Where are the bathrooms?
Downstairs (first floor).
Q. What does Red Door Church believe?
We recently disaffiliated from our historic denominations and are currently working on formulating a new statement of faith. Our church would generally align with the confessional statement found on The Gospel Coalition’s website.
Q. Is there more information about the South Royalton Area Food Shelf?
Read our Food Shelf page.