1 Corinthians

Do Not Give Up Meeting Together

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
Do Not Give Up Meeting Together

Many today in independent, individualistic America have lost a vision for the church body gathered; we’ve lost why being together as a body is so important. Pastor Josh uses a common, regular, experience–the family birthday–to help us understand some of the reasons why God calls us to be together as a Christian body.

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All Christians Are Called To The Ordinary

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
All Christians Are Called To The Ordinary

Paul ends his letter with common every day stuff: travel plans, greetings, notes about a collection, and a few final exhortations. The ordinariness of his requests reminds us that the Christian life is actually filled with the mundane, common stuff of life. Every Christian is called to the live out the extraordinary gospel message in the context of ordinary life.

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If the Resurrection is True

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
If the Resurrection is True

Paul takes up the topic of the resurrection, a reality which some Corinthians were apparently denying. Evidence helps us to corroborate our theories whether in the science lab, the court room, or in the church. So if there is a resurrection, what kind of evidence should we expect? What should our lives and our churches look like?

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Reviewing the Gifts

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
Reviewing the Gifts

1 Corinthians chapters 12 through 14 are a unit in which Paul takes up the topic of gifts given by the Holy Spirit. This sermon is a review covering material from the last month of sermons on the topic of spiritual gifts.

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Clarity and Order

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
Clarity and Order

If God is not a God of disorder and chaos then our gatherings in worship and our private lives should reflect that fact. In the final analysis, both we ourselves and the outside world should be able to clearly see that the Lord is in charge of our church and not the spirit of the age.

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The Greater Gifts Edify

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
The Greater Gifts Edify

Paul tells the church that prophecy is to be desired over speaking in tongues because prophesies edify the church. But what does prophecy look like in the NT? This message briefly explores some of the differences of OT prophecy and NT prophecy as well.

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