Pastor Josh Moore

Take Up Your Cross and Have Life. Luke 9:28-43. Pastor Josh Moore. Feb 07, 2016.

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
Take Up Your Cross and Have Life. Luke 9:28-43. Pastor Josh Moore. Feb 07, 2016.

Here in this very other-worldly passage where Jesus is transfigured and seen in his glory, Jesus is still talking about his death. Why? Because that was the heart and soul of his mission: to seek and to save the lost by dying on the cross. If we want to follow Jesus there is no escaping the reality of his death. But it’s in dying with him that we find ultimate life.

Take Up Your Cross and Have Life. Luke 9:28-43. Pastor Josh Moore. Feb 07, 2016. Read More »

Do Not Give Up Meeting Together

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
Do Not Give Up Meeting Together

Many today in independent, individualistic America have lost a vision for the church body gathered; we’ve lost why being together as a body is so important. Pastor Josh uses a common, regular, experience–the family birthday–to help us understand some of the reasons why God calls us to be together as a Christian body.

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A Better Covenant With Better Promises

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
A Better Covenant With Better Promises

The Old Covenant was flawed because it could not perfect those who were under it nor did it promise to provide the enabling power to keep it. Not so with the New Covenant. This covenant not only has the power to perfect people through the blood of Christ, but it promises enablement to those with the Spirit. Pastor Josh uses the analogy of dishwashers to help us grasp these important and deep concepts.

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Jesus Made Inferior for a Time

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
Jesus Made Inferior for a Time

The writer takes up what appears to be a potential Jewish objection, “If Jesus was made lower than the angels, and died, how can he be superior to the angels?” He demonstrates that Jesus’ humanity, far from diminishing his glory and supremacy, actually enhance it, for they became the grounds for his exaltation to the right hand of God and also the means by which he will bring his people to God.

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Pentecost Sunday 2015: Who is the Advocate?

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
Pentecost Sunday 2015: Who is the Advocate?

The announcement that Jesus will send the Holy Spirit signals the coming of the last days, in which we now live. This is the age of the Holy Spirit. But who is this Spirit and what does he do? While the Spirit does many things, he is content to live in the background and give glory to Jesus.

Pentecost Sunday 2015: Who is the Advocate? Read More »

The Fruit of The Vine

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
The Fruit of The Vine

Last week we saw that Jesus was the true vine; the one who gives good and lasting fruit to those who abide in him. This week we look at the fruit itself. Pastor Josh focuses on six specific fruits drawn from this passage. Those who have them are true, abiding, followers of Jesus.

The Fruit of The Vine Read More »

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