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Femi Oni Jim Proctor Joel Adeney Matt Schmidt Pastor Josh Moore Tim Frisch Wes Hebert

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Click on sermon title links below to either listen or watch the sermon (we are updating each post with the sermon video—April 3, 2023). Then click SUBSCRIBE on audio player for links to each of the podcast services shown here. Find Red Door Church of SoRoVT on Amazon Music, Audible, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and iHeartRadio.

The Heart of the Problem

In an encounter with Nicodemus, Jesus seeks to expose what the most important issue is: the need for rebirth. Like all of us, Nicodemus was preoccupied with the things on the surface, but real change and real relationship with God starts with a new heart.

Pentecost Sunday 2015: Who is the Advocate?

The announcement that Jesus will send the Holy Spirit signals the coming of the last days, in which we now live. This is the age of the Holy Spirit. But who is this Spirit and what does he do? While the Spirit does many things, he is content to live in the background and give glory to Jesus.

I Am Going to the Father

We often forget that after Easter, Jesus remained on the earth for 40 days and then ascended. In John 17 Jesus prays because he is leaving and is burdened for his followers. Contrary to what we might expect, Jesus is not concerned so much for our food and shelter as he is that we remain in the truth.

The Fruit of The Vine

Last week we saw that Jesus was the true vine; the one who gives good and lasting fruit to those who abide in him. This week we look at the fruit itself. Pastor Josh focuses on six specific fruits drawn from this passage. Those who have them are true, abiding, followers of Jesus.

After Easter

After Easter once all the excitement and festivities are over many Christians slide into cruise control during the summer. Vacations, trips, longer days, nice weather equal time off from Kingdom work for many. But the risen Jesus sends out his disciples saying “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” Spring and Summer are a time for kingdom work.

Resurrection Sunday 2015

Last year we looked at the historical question of the Resurrection. This year we are looking at the question, “How should we respond if this is in fact true?” Acts 2 gives us a powerful picture of what our response to Jesus’ death and resurrection should look like.

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