Red Door Church of SoRoVT

Entering Triumphantly on the Way to the Cross

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
Entering Triumphantly on the Way to the Cross

The jubilation of the triumphal entry was real but not fully informed. While the Pharisees missed Jesus’ kingly nature, the common folks missed the fact that Jesus was a servant king that had come to die. Surrounding the joy of this moment is the reality of the cross.

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Shattering the Expectations

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
Shattering the Expectations

Midst the fray of a quickly approaching Passover festival John points out “some Greeks” who wanted to see Jesus. Against all odds and expectations, it is often those we least expect who come to Jesus. John shatters some of our deepest expectations in this passage.

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We Were Dead, But God

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
We Were Dead, But God

The first three verses of Ephesians 2 are some of the saddest in all of Scripture, but then comes these amazing words, “But God!” This text shows us just how far grace goes–nothing in us compelled God to have mercy on us, only the sheer love of God in Christ.

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Jesus Exalts the Words of Scripture

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
Jesus Exalts the Words of Scripture

We expect outsiders to belittle the Bible, but too often Christians do as well by their ignorance or indifference to its teachings. Jesus and his disciples on the other hand, exalted the word of God. When all was said and done it was the words of Scripture that remained after Jesus died and ascended and it is the words of Scripture that the Holy Spirit uses to mature us in faith.

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Look and Be Saved!

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
Look and Be Saved!

When Israel murmured against God about going back to Egypt God sent the symbol of Egypt (“fiery” serpent) to curse and remind them that there is no protection or salvation in Egypt. But all of this was just pointing to something greater, namely, The Curse that was lifted up on a pole at Golgotha named Jesus.

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An Acrostic to Trust God

Red Door Church of South Royalton, Vermont
Red Door Church of South Royalton
An Acrostic to Trust God

When life is hard or stressful, trusting God doesn’t come naturally for us. Sometimes tools can be helpful in the pursuit of God in hard times. Psalm 25 shows us that God’s people had tools even ancient times to help them in the fight to trust God. This ancient acrostic gives us a look at what trusting God looks like.

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