Readings: Luke 2:21-40
Image: Simeon holding the Christ child at his presentation at the temple
“Jesus’ parents are presented by Luke as pious, law abiding Jews as they journey from Bethlehem to Jerusalem to fulfill the law of purification.” –Darrell Bock
“Since, however, the child was brought to the temple, which was not necessary for the act of redemption, we should probably find a third element in the narrative, namely the offering of the child to Go for his service in the same way as Samuel was offered by his parents to God.” –I. Howard Marshall
“[Simeon] tells Mary that the child shall cause a sword to pass through her own soul, a figure that is made more graphic because the term chosen for sword…designates a very large, broad, two-edged sword.” –Darrell Bock
Four “H’s” to Remember
Heeding (obeying),
Hearting (worshipping),
Heralding (telling)