Readings: John 3:1-21
William Farley in Gospel-Centered Parenting, p. 43:
“Secular parenting, transferring morality is the primary goal. For unbelievers, the goal of parenting is children that conform to society’s expectations, such as admittance to Ivy League Schools, success in business, or marriage to the ‘right’ people. By contrast, the goal of Christian parenting is heart transformation.”
D. A. Carson in the Pillar Commentary on John:
“The lover of light does not prance forward to parade his wares with cocky self-righteousness but comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God. This strange expression makes it clear that the lover of light is not some intrinsically superior person. If he or she enjoys the light, I tis because all that has been performed, for which there is no shame or conviction, has been done ‘through God’… and therefore by his power.”