Readings: Luke 9:28-43
E.M. Bounds:
“All God’s plans have the mark of the cross on them, and all His plans have death to self in them.”
Darrell Bock in his commentary on Luke:
“The point of these descriptions is that Jesus was physically transformed into a radiant figure whose brilliance extended to his clothes.”
Phillip Graham Ryken in his commentary on Luke:
“It was no accident that Moses and Elijah were the men who appeared with Jesus, because together they represent the entire Old Testament. Moses was the hero of the exodus, the man who led Israel out of Egypt. He was famous for giving God’s people the Ten Commandments, which he wrote on stone tablets and brought down from the mountain. Moses stood for the law. Elijah stood for the prophets. After Moses, he was one of the greatest prophets in the Old Testament. Elijah raised the dead. He shut the rain up in heaven as judgment for Israel’s sin. He prayed down fire to defeat the prophets of Baal. He did not die, but was carried up to heaven in a chariot of fire. God promised further that one day Elijah would return. Therefore, people looked to him as their once and future prophet. In those days people referred to the Old Testament as ‘the Law and the Prophets,’ and together Moses and Elijah stood for the whole thing.”