Reading: 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4:7-13
Quote: “The goal of church in other times was to transfigure the social tenets of those who came through the door. Now people go to a church not for how it might change their beliefs, but for how their precepts will be reconfirmed. ‘I find little evidence that churches are really transforming their congregations,’ University of Maryland political scientist James Gimpel told me. ‘It’s rather quite the reverse. Ministers depend on pleasing a particular congregation for their longevity. The last thing they want to do is offend those people or try to transform their viewpoint… It’s conformity all the way.'” –Bill Bishop in The Big Sort
“We have more choices than ever before in the hundreds of religious niche markets. But given a choice, we select sameness.” –Bill Bishop in The Big Sort
Book: The Big Sort by Bill Bishop.