Readings: Mark 11:1-11
“He does not enter Jerusalem on a war horse, which would have whipped the political aspirations of the vast crowds into insurrectionist frenzy, but he chooses to present himself as the king who comes in peace, ‘gentle and riding on a donkey.’” –D.A. Carson in his Pillar commentary on John
“If people believe in God at all today, the overwhelming majority hold that this God—however, he, she, or it may be understood—is a loving being. But that is what makes the task of the Christian witness so daunting. For this widely disseminated belief in the love of God is set with increasing frequency in some matrix other than biblical theology. The result is that when informed Christians talk about the love of God, they mean something very different from what is meant in the surrounding culture. Worse, neither side may perceive that that is the case.” –D.A. Carson in his book The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God