Loving God and loving neighbor, here in Central Vermont and to the ends of the earth, all to the glory of God.

“The Bills”: An Interview with Wired Magazine

I just read an interesting article in the December issue of Wired.  The cover story of this edition is about an interview with the “Bills”, that is, Gates and Clinton.  As you may be aware, these men are founders of massive philanthropic organizations.  Gates founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Clinton founded the

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What is a Hymn?

At the Council of Toledo in Spain, A. D. 633, the definition of a hymn was canonized and written into the law of the church. The definition was adopted from St. Augustine who wrote over 200 years earlier that “a hymn…containeth these three things: song (canticum), and praise (laudem), and that of God.” This understanding

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