Loving God and loving neighbor, here in Central Vermont and to the ends of the earth, all to the glory of God.

Holy Saturday: A Reflection

Among Holy Week celebrations and observances, Saturday of Holy Week is often overlooked or forgotten.  There are no “special” events planned on Saturday—we move from the spectacle of Jesus crucifixion on Friday, right into the jubilee of Easter morning.  For many of us Saturday is a day of hunting for eggs with the children or […]

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What is Lent?

Long ago, the word “lent” meant Spring. Later on it came to mean “fortieth” as it was used to translate the Latin word quadragesima. It appears that the exact origin of the practice of Lent is unknown though some ancient documents suggest that some aspects of the practice go back almost to the time of

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What is Pre-Evangelism?

What is pre-evangelism?  Pre-evangelism is the tough work of tearing down objections and obstacles to a sincere hearing of the Christian message of the gospel.  Some persons have walls in their minds and hearts that simply will not allow them to give an open ear to the claims of the Christian faith.  When we do

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A Thanksgiving Proclamation

Today it’s commonly argued that our Constitution does not allow for any speak of God in our public life by the government or its officials; that God and government cannot and should not be mixed and that to do so is to violate our Constitution’s most sacred ideals (or not-so-sacred ideals). For example, groups like

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