Author name: Pastor Josh

My life is one of contradictions. I'm a southern boy living in northern New England; a boring guy married to a super-fun gal; a saint who is still a sinner in need of grace.

What is Advent?

Maybe the greatest challenge of the Advent and Christmas season is to keep its true meaning in front of us. What is Advent really about?  Why the trees and the presents and the caroling and the parties?  Why all the hullabaloo? The word advent means “coming.” What’s coming?  Who’s coming? Well, when you come to

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What is The Reformation?

Like many churches in the Western Hemisphere, when late October rolls around they begin talking about the Reformation. Many of these churches, like ours, put on events celebrating the Reformation. It is not uncommon that as I’m telling someone in our community about the event they ask, “What is the Reformation?” I’m going to try and

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Women and the Resurrection

The resurrection is one of the most central beliefs in Christianity.  It is also one of the most disputed. Among the unchurched there is a commonly held conviction that the miraculous claims of the Christian faith were non-historical amendments created after the fact by religious zealots “with an agenda.”  For these folks, the resurrection would

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