Author name: Pastor Josh

My life is one of contradictions. I'm a southern boy living in northern New England; a boring guy married to a super-fun gal; a saint who is still a sinner in need of grace.

What is Liturgy?

Many people in the Protestant evangelical world when they hear this word it likely conjures up images of an austere man wearing a funny hat, walking up the center aisle of a cathedral waving a smoking pole. In the background a choir sings in an unknown language. Liturgy is a “Roman Catholic” word in the […]

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Holy, Holy, Holy

How do you give emphasis to something when you are writing? Online people write things in ALL CAPS to indicate they are being really serious. Sometimes we are not content to put one exclamation point at the end of a sentence so we put two or three. Others choose to use words like “awesome” or

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Cutting a Covenant

Every culture has rituals that seem bizarre to outsiders. Take the White House tradition of pardoning the Thanksgiving Day turkey as just one example of such an American tradition. When we the story of how God made a covenant with Abram in Genesis 15, we scratch our heads. Why are these animals cut in half?

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Does Theology Matter?

It’s pretty common today to hear some Christians say “Theology doesn’t matter.”  Sometimes this is not said explicitly but in other roundabout ways like, “Faith over reason” or “All that matters is Jesus.” A good follow up question to that statement is “Which Jesus?” Various religious groups have views of Jesus that differ widely and

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What is Epiphany?

If you are like me, you may come from a tradition that does not celebrate Epiphany or that views many of the Christian feasts with suspicion. In recent years I have come to appreciate the Christian calendar and to see beauty in marking time by the acts of God in history. So what is Epiphany?

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