Readings: Hebrews 2:5-18
Arthur Pink from his commentary on Hebrews:
“The objection may be framed thus: How could supremacy be predicated of One who became Man, and died? [T]he Jews actually regarded the angels with a higher veneration than the greatest of the ‘fathers’—Abraham, Moses, Joshua, and David. And rightly so; their own Scriptures declared that they ‘excel in strength.’ Thus a real difficulty was presented to them, in the fact that He whom the apostle affirmed had, by inheritance, obtained ‘a more excellent name’ than angels, was known to them as ‘the Son of man,’ for man was a creature inferior to angels. Moreover, angels do not die, Christ had, how then, could He be their superior?”
Peter T. O’Brien from his commentary on Hebrews:
“There’s a disparity between man’s position as ruler and his present lack of control over creation.”
Wayne Grudem from his Systematic Theology:
“But God decided to do much more than merely meet the demands of justice [in our case]. He decided to save some sinful human beings… It is all undeserved favor: it is all of grace. The striking contrast with the fate of angels brings this truth home to us.”