Loving God and loving neighbor here in central Vermont and to the ends of the earth—all to the glory of God

What a Friend for Sinners

Imagine this bleak scenario: you find yourself convicted of a terrible crime and sentenced to life in prison. The conditions are terrible: filthy cells, meager food, and no relationships with people you can trust. The longer your sentence goes on, the worse the suffering becomes. The only way you’re leaving will be in a casket, […]

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Holy, Holy, Holy

How do you give emphasis to something when you are writing? Online people write things in ALL CAPS to indicate they are being really serious. Sometimes we are not content to put one exclamation point at the end of a sentence so we put two or three. Others choose to use words like “awesome” or

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The Ashes of Our Praise

In a few nights a small crowd will gather at Red Door Church for our annual Ash Wednesday service.  Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent,  a 40 day season (not counting Sundays) of preparation leading up to Easter. Every year I’m overwhelmed with the sheer number of potential Lenten themes.  As a pastor, my

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Cutting a Covenant

Every culture has rituals that seem bizarre to outsiders. Take the White House tradition of pardoning the Thanksgiving Day turkey as just one example of such an American tradition. When we the story of how God made a covenant with Abram in Genesis 15, we scratch our heads. Why are these animals cut in half?

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Does Theology Matter?

It’s pretty common today to hear some Christians say “Theology doesn’t matter.”  Sometimes this is not said explicitly but in other roundabout ways like, “Faith over reason” or “All that matters is Jesus.” A good follow up question to that statement is “Which Jesus?” Various religious groups have views of Jesus that differ widely and

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